University of Garmian

University of Garmian Celebrates International Women's Day


On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Presidency of the University of Garmian extends its warmest congratulations to all women in Kurdistan and Garmian. In recognition of their vital contributions, the university proudly announces that 52 administrative positions are currently held by women.

"We take great pride in the significant role that women play as teachers, researchers, employees, and students. Their talents and skills are essential drivers of progress and innovation within our academic and scientific community."

Furthermore, the Presidency highlighted that:

At the university administration level, five directors and 12 heads of departments lead various administrative units.

At the college level, leadership roles held by women include one dean, one assistant dean, and five heads of departments.

The University of Garmian expresses its deep appreciation to all the women who have contributed to its growth and to the education of future generations. It also reaffirms its commitment to addressing the challenges that women continue to face and encourages ongoing efforts to foster equality and empowerment in higher education.


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University of Garmian - 2024