University of Garmian

Awarding Active Instructors

2019-01-24 09:08:21
Speech of the President of Garmian University \r\n\r\nAt the start of his speech, the president showed deep appreciation for all the staffs at Garmian University. Teaching staffs, students and employees were appreciated deeply . He claims that , all the staffs together raised up the academic standards of the Garmian University to its  present level . Then the great efforts of all the staffs of Garmian university has been mentioned .\r\n\r\n\"\"\r\n

The president of Garmian University stated that:

\r\nawarding active instructors is to create a competitive spirit among all. He also stated; the process doesn't differentiate among the staffs ; rather it is based on some criteria set by the quality assurance department in Garmian University.\r\n\r\nHe emphasized, hence;he will  support everyone as far as this process is of concern. Above all these, he continued, next year, there will be plans to give award to active students and employees beside instructors.\r\n\r\nAt the end of his speech, he declared that for the next year a budget of 30 million IQD will be provided for researches that will possess  the impact factor. He added, financially, Garmian University will completely support its researchers , and will help them to achieve success.
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