University of Garmian


2019-01-21 09:02:33

 visit image Workshop

\r\nvisit image Workshop: Cancer,  click here  for the Era disease On Sunday, 17th of December, 2017, a workshop on #cancer disease has been presented by three specialists at the seminar hall of the college of Basic Education and supervised by the department of biology.\r\n\r\nThe seminar carried out in the presence of Assist. Prof. Dr. Sirwan Hassan, president of the university, Abdullah Anwar, associate administrator of Garmian province, and a huge number of university lecturers and students. The workshop was consisted of three topics related to Cancer, and as follows:- Right the beginning, the president of the University gave a talk and welcomed all the guests, and said \"we are aiming via formal and accurate data to scientifically explore causes, and risks of Cancer, and to show number of infected people in Kurdistan region, especially in Garmian province\"\r\n\r\nnumber of cases in Kalar is quite close to the numbers recorded in other cities of Kurdistan region. Therefore, and up to now there is nothing to worry about in Kalar. He then clarified that Cancer cases in Kalar distributed as follows; Breast cancer, Lung cancer, blood, brain, and stomach cancer. In his seminar, Dr. Dara Mohammed, the specialist in food chemistry and quality control, talked about types of foods, drinks (especially alcohols), foods preservatives, and even methods of cooking that possibly changes the foods to carcinogenic form. He therefore advised people to consume fresh foods than the preserved, and to get themselves away from canned foods. These are due to the fact that there are many factors influencing the chemical compostion, quality, and safety of the foods.\r\n

First seminar

\r\nIn the First seminar, Dr. Sherwan Gafour talked about Cancer in general. He explained in details, meaning, causes. types, investigation. and all the possible and available ways of the management. Later on, and based on the recorded data he confirmed that in 2011 there was only 66 cases of this disease in Kalar.  and this number increased to 142 in 2016. However, and even the last number is under the standard and global number of cases, it is with a lower risk than the number recorded in Europe or United States. Even locally.\r\n\r\nThe third seminar presented by the environmentalist assist. Lecturer Mr. Abdulmutalib Rafaat was about pollution. All types of environmental pollution (air, water, soil etc) and contaminants explained briefly, and then he focused on the main contaminants that will eventually causes it. Moreover, he has highlighted the materials that may cause cancer in Garmian province,\r\n\r\nand how to get rid of them safely. Kindly click on the following links to watch each of the seminars of this workshop:- First seminar by Dr. Sherwn Gafour Rashid, specialist in Cancer Second Seminar:- Carcinogenic substances in foods, by Dr. Dara Mohammed Jamil, specialist in food chemistry and quality control Third seminar:- Pollution, by the environmentalist assist. Lecturer Mr. Abdulmutalib Raffat Sarhat.\r\n\r\nTranslated: Dr. Ahmed Omer-Bali\r\n\r\n 
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